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Feel Coaching
Feel Happy
Feel You

Meetings in Person or through Tele-Conference

Hello, I am Stella and I like being your companion as a person and as a coach in the journey of self-realization, development and self-improvement.

I am a Life & Business Coach but I prefer to introduce myself as an active citizen.

I love and dedicate my whole being to what I serve.

The triptych that represents me is: Feel Safe, Feel Happy, Feel Hope!

While my life motto is clearly: Anyone who has a “why” to live can face any “how”.

I recognize that we can all work together to create a better version of today ‘s reality as long as we try.

I’m romantic and visionary but that does not deprive me of the right to be organizing and effective.

I do not just dream, I live in here and now and I take actions.

A few words about my educational background and experience:

Graduate of Panteion University, Department of Political Science and International Studies with postgraduate studies in Economic Development of the European Union. I like to declare myself as an advocate of innovation, knowledge and evolution.

I have been specialized in Counseling and Life Coaching from the University of Aegean, in Executive Coaching and Management from the University of Ioannina and from the University of Piraeus in the Life Coaching System and Entrepreneurship Psychology.

I hold the “Advanced Diploma in General & Specific Coaching Skills” of the International Academy for Coach Certification, Coaching Evolution.

In 2020 I was specialized in Positive Psychology at Panteion University and in the practical applications of Positivity in our daily lives.

In 1997 I started my career as a consultant for insurance and investment products, while in the process I developed as a consultant, trainer and sales manager in large insurance companies and financial institutions.

In 2014 I created my own company with the brand name “Feel Safe Insurance” which deals with the promotion of insurance products and services and in 2018 “Feel Coaching” was established, with Life & Business Coaching services.

I am actively involved in Volunteering, I am a founding member of the Social Action and Solidarity group, Hopeaholics and Secretary General of Europa Donna Hellas with the aim of defending and claiming women’s rights to mental and physical health and especially breast cancer prevention.

I am the inspirer and creator of “My Life Motto” Project, a series of interviews and research on individual personalities for their life motto and for the quality characteristics of success, happiness and their personal & professional development.

As a Life & Business Coach I work with love, empathy, consistency, acceptance and respect. I aim for a creative course of evolution or change for those who wish to try the path of Life Coaching. Strategic development, change management and barriers are issues that most of us are often called upon to address.

As an Insurance Coach I envision a modern generation of insurance intermediaries and consultants with empathy and professional excellence.

As a volunteer I work with selflessness, hope and vision for a better world with more smiles, less inequality and violence.

Everything that is offered through the sessions and seminars is knowledge and experience of a lifetime, happiness and success and I set myself willing to share them.

I will be glad to meet you!

Stella Zoulinaki
Life & Business Coach
Personal & Professional Development Consultant
Adult Instructor


by Feel Coaching

Life Coaching is a Method of Improvement and Personal Development. Coaching is the revival of the Socratic teaching on the search for truth and specifically the eliciting and dialectical method of Socrates, the Aristotelian teaching, the wider ancient Greek Philosophy in combination with modern sciences, such as Psychology, especially Positive Psychology, Philosophy, Anthropology, Biology, Sociology, Business Administration & Management, with the aim of developing and evolving people.

The International Coaching Federation (ICF), gives the clearest and most complete definition of coaching. “Coaching is a partnership between the Coach and the Coachee (individual) in a process that evokes thought and creativity that inspires him/her to maximize his/her personal and professional dynamics.”

Through the tools that the coach uses, he/she helps people grow as a whole and achieve goals or changes. The Life Coaching technique focuses on highlighting the positive and strong elements of the individual. It also contributes to the realization of goals set by the individual himself and of the desired change. Life Coaching is a method in which the individual can acquire skills aimed at self-discovery, autonomous learning and non-directionality. Effective coaching (because this is what it is all about) is the ability of the professional coach to understand and manage the mental processes of the person receiving coaching in order to create effective change and development in this person, for the benefit of the person and within what has been agreed between the coach and the coachee (client).

As a life coach I use the appropriate tools, modern methods and techniques. I focus on a desired result and problem solving to get the person where he wants, based on his own knowledge, values and principles in order to achieve his own personal goals, to face obstacles and difficulties to build mental resilience, to feel happy, full of gratitude and able to love himself.

You deserve a place where you can be yourself. In our personal sessions, you can feel like you are! The Life Coaching process between us is oriented, with the energy of being in “here and now”, feeling and doing. Our goal is to Understand, Accept and React!

We start the coaching process with a first “to know us better” meeting, either by phone or by video-conference.

The following is the initial session where we meet, you get informed about the framework of cooperation and we refer to your initial goals. The following sessions follow a structured process where it is indicatively aimed at:

  • Feedback / account of actions from the previous session.
  • Defining your ultimate goal and the intermediate steps that will lead you to this goal.
  • Discuss what is bothering you or what is happening now so that you can gain a deeper understanding of the situation.
  • Detecting the options that exist by putting yourself in creative thinking.
  • Conclusions from the session recognizing the next steps and the required action or change.

The individual sessions:

  • They can be made through a special digital platform that facilitates action and communication between us while also leading you to a digital eRoom with access to relevant and useful information about Life Coaching as well as questionnaires and exercises.
  • They are highly confidential.
  • The duration of a session is 45-50 minutes.
  • The prices are proportional to the pack offered.
  • Free cancellation at least one day in advance.

Buy a pack of sessions

There is the possibility of pre-selecting a 3 or 6 tele-conference sessions pack which ensures you free navigation on a special digital platform (digital eRoom) with useful information, articles, educational material and exercises for one or two months respectively. Contact us to find out more.

Schedule your sessions

The innovation is that everything is done either in person or through a special digital platform (eRoom) which ensures the direct and confidential communication with the Coachee, as well as easy access to useful information, articles, training materials and exercises.

Feel Coaching: Feel Success !


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Happy Clients About Me


Ήταν μια εμπειρία/διαδικασία πολύ χρήσιμη κι εποικοδομητική, εφόσον με βοήθησε να κατανοήσω περισσότερο τον εαυτό μου, τις σκέψεις και τα θέλω μου, να τα ξεδιαλύνω και να τα βάζω σε τάξη κι έπειτα σε εφαρμογή.


Η Coach μου Στέλλα Ζουλινάκη είναι καταπληκτική, ενθαρρυντική, σαν να με γνωρίζει από χρόνια και να της έχω εκμυστηρευτεί τις πιο βαθιές μου σκέψεις. Με τον τρόπο της με ενισχύει , με προτρέπει να αντιμετωπίσω τις δύσκολες καταστάσεις και να διαχειρίζομαι την καθημερινότητα. Είναι ειλικρινής και αυθεντική. Με δυο λέξεις: Σπουδαίος Άνθρωπος !!!


Η εμπειρία μου με τη Στέλλα ήταν πολύ βοηθητική. Χρησιμοποιώ το μικρό της όνομα γιατί νιώθω οτι πια είναι δικός μου άνθρωπος, που με σπρώχνει να ανακαλύψω τις καλύτερες πτυχές του εαυτού μου, ώστε να προχωρήσω χωρίς αντιπερισπασμούς. Μου έδειξε το δρόμο και απέκτησα θάρρος για να πραγματοποιήσω τους στόχους μου με περισσότερη σιγουριά.


Η εμπειρία μου διαδρώντας με τη Στέλλα Ζουλινάκη ήταν λυτρωτική. Έγινε το άστρο που με βοήθησε να φωτίσω την εσωτερική μου άβυσσο. Φοβερός επαγγελματισμός αστείρευτη γνώση που με απλότητα μεταλαμπαδεύει απλόχερα στον απέναντι της.

Δημητρα Τσιμπακη

Ο επαγγελματισμός και η εξειδίκευση της κυρίας Ζουλινάκη με βοήθησαν να ανακαλύψω τα "θέλω" μου και να επιτύχω τους στόχους μου!

Κωνσταντινος Παπαδοπουλος

Φοβόμουν να αλλάξω τη δουλειά μου και να κάνω κάτι εντελώς διαφορετικό. Τώρα αισθάνομαι ότι αυτή ήταν η καλύτερη απόφαση που πήρα ποτέ. Μην φοβάστε να δράσετε!

Ιωαννα Καλλη


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Feel Coaching: Feel Success !